Free Downloadable Reclaim Your Life in 14 Weeks Workbook/sheet
Hello! If you're here, you're searching for something more. I was where you are until I realized, what I was searching for was inside me.
Get started on your journey by first re-claiming your life by throwing out the junk that isn't for you and embracing what is. I promise you once you do this and stick to it, your life will change and you will be happy, fulfilled and successful.
Hi, I'm Rachel
and for so many years, I fell into others' expectations of me. On the outside I may have seemed okay, well most of the time besides when I disappeared for a couple days on my way to commit suicide or my desperation in relationships just yearning for someone to show me I was enough.
Yeah, other than that, I was pretty mediocre, living for my kids: growing my career to be financially stable, cooking healthy dinners, gardening and running my kids to all their extracurricular activities and attending them.
I even cutout time to try and force my kids into family game nights or movie nights or perhaps a hike or dinner out.
It wasn't enough. I felt empty, lost and unfulfilled. It was like I was living in some type of Twighlight zone. Someone else's life.
How could I be what I needed to be with any relationship if this is how I felt?
I know so many feel the same way. It's no surprise as we all were indoctrinated with other's expectations of us, losing ourselves early on as a child.
I feel so passionate about this and want others to break free from the chains and re-claim their lives!
This is why I want to provide the first week of my workbook and worksheet free of charge....I want you to get started today.
You are worth investing your time and energy into. So do it, be selfish for once and keep all the outside noise away and focus on yourself.
Be authentic. Once you do, not only will you be living a life you never thought possible, but the ones around you will thank you as well.
I would love your feedback on my contact page of my website,
I need to know how this has helped you, where you are in the process, your story and how I can continue to support you.